Umpire points and duties
Please read your duties carefully. We are most keen to get fair, safe and efficient racing, but in a friendly manner and without needless shows of authoritarianism. As this is a river regatta you need to be always aware of extra outside events and special circumstance beyond the normal rules of racing. There is an extremely large entry both days and we must keep on time, so please try to avoid, where possible, incidents in races, by early warnings within the rules. If a race has to be stopped in your area immediately contact the Start to stop following races, then make decision as required regarding disqualification, re-row, restart etc. Remember, an incident in your area is normally your sole your decision, NOT the co-ordinator’s, though they should obviously be informed.
All Umpires, except Judges and Control Commission, will need to be ferried down river. If your next duty is down river and you are free, please assemble at your ‘hospitality’ tent just above finish, some 15 minutes before duty start time. If you have your own lifejacket, please bring it.
Those already on duty on moored boats, will be transferred down river to new duty or to off duty by ferry boat. Those on the lower field at changeover time should walk to their new duty if it is on the same field or wait by the bend umpire for the relief boat to come in. Do not leave your post during racing unless your replacement is arriving.
Coordinating Umpire
Will now normally be Judge 2 on duty that shift- see rota.
Starters – 2 people [long start] Saturday only.
At 1000m staggered start stakeboat, located on East bank, ferried down from finish.
It is ESSENTIAL you send crews off on time [or earlier if present] when ever possible, particularly earlier in the day. Any delays build up as crews will not be ready for their next race if late early on This may require you to take races slightly out of published race order.
If a crews is late on start, please do NOT automatically disqualify. Ask control to check first as there may be good reasons for a late show. Please share the duties below equally to give everyone starting experience.
You are both
- Responsible for final marshalling up of crews and checking identities and stations are correct.
- Responsible for ensuring course is clear of crews coming to start and that start is fair.
- Please help novice crews to attach if needed,or if wind is bad
- Also responsible for UMPIRING race for first 15 strokes off the start.
Please get crews away promptly and try to avoid ‘off the start’ collisions if possible by early warnings!
First Umpire [1] Lammas Meadow [Long start] Saturday only
You are located on eastern bank on a tower, midway between starter and bend, and are responsible for umpiring crews from just after the start to approaching the bend. Exact changeover points depend on prevailing wind conditions. Please ensure crews are guided away from the bays in that area and directed safely towards the bend if needed.
Local rule- see ‘bend umpire’ comments below.
Also responsible for marshalling crews safely past you to the start, keeping them out of racing lanes in narrow areas.
Starters – 2 people [Short start] Sunday only
At 500m start stakeboat, located on East bank, ferried down from finish.
It is ESSENTIAL you send crews off on time [or earlier if present] when ever possible, particularly earlier in the day.
Any delays build up as crews will not be ready for their next race if late early on. This may require you to take races slightly out of published race order.
If a crews is late on start, please do NOT automatically disqualify. Ask control to check first as there may be good reasons for a late show. Please share the duties below equally to give every one starting experience.
You are both
- Responsible for final marshalling up of crews and checking identities and stations are correct.
- Responsible for ensuring course is clear of crews coming to start and that start is fair.
- Please help novice crews to attach if needed,or if wind is bad
- Also Responsible for UMPIRING race for first 10 strokes off the start.
Please get crews away promptly and try to avoid ‘off the start’ collisions if possible by early warnings!
Bend Umpire [2] Saturday only
Special Approved Local Rule. You must steer crews round the bend if they are having difficulty as they approach you. This is NOT an official warning, unless they seriously cross into opponents water or clash etc. It is to avoid needless incidents, damage, delays and injury.
Positioned near 500m start at apex of bend, on East bank, located on a tower, ferried down from finish. You should position yourself to be able to see both ways round bend.
To umpire from approx. 250m above start (see above) to a point upstream of you where the first boats are moored on the same side as you. Be prepared to STOP crews who ‘forget’ to go round the bend and, by going off course, present a danger to themselves or crews going to the start.
Marshal crews going to start to stop them from hanging about directly opposite you where they may get rammed by errant racing crews, and also keep them out of racing lanes. Umpire 3 should be controlling traffic coming from finish to you.
Liaise with umpire 3 if windy conditions affect your audibility by crews upstream.
Lower Field Umpire [3] both days
As last year, Located on boat or platform at northerly [downstream] end of moored boats on East Bank, opposite the bottom of regatta field. You will be ferried across to duty- please arrive 15 minutes early, if possible
To umpire race from end of umpire 2 area or start on Sunday to a point upstream, just short of the narrow boat projecting out into the river on far bank [carrying Umpire 4]. Specifically, care is need with racing crews impacting on projecting moored boats directly around you.
Important Please marshal crews proceeding to start down opposite bank at this point.
The ‘Down’ lane is narrow near you, so hold crews next to you if a race is coming unless they can get to bend area in time.
Finish Umpire [4] both days
As before, It is located on narrow boat on far side of river, just downstream of rowing club. [Marked Safety 1] . Ferried across – please arrive 15 minutes early, if possible].
To umpire race from end of Umpire [3]- just short of your area- to the finish line. You are primarily covering the Upstream area from you. Warn any crew in danger approaching you. Also check crews proceeding to start and warn any errant cruisers going down the course.
Judges, Chief and Assistant
Situated in control tent. Liaise together to give race outcome and distance verdicts to control. Record result if required. Judge 2 is usually ALSO co-ordinating umpire – check with rota
You are also responsible for operating the Umpire radio channel to connect with Umpires, giving out results to same, AND summoning Safety boat if needed.
Control Commission
Located at main, and only authorised, boating area upstream of finish. Base is the Marshals tent. Carry out just spot check and self certification as required by current rules.
DO NOT deliberately double check boats or be over zealous! No longer appropriate. Record any deficiencies on sheet provided [when possible]. Liaise with SNRC marshals to ensure the ‘pairing up boating’ system operates smoothly within the confines of Rules of Racing.
All immediately directly relevant information is included in this email. Other documents may be accessed via regatta secretary.